20th JUNE 2024


                                                   PRESS STATEMENT


Year 2024 witnessed more people become displaced persons, asylum seekers and refugees. Both Palestinians and Rohingya have been victims of genocide for long decades but there is still no international solution. The absence of political will and the economic interest and investment cause Palestinians and Rohingya to continue to be victims of genocide without protection and justice.

Currently both Palestinian and Rohingya are continuously killed in many series of bombings and shootings. Children and Women continue to be brutally killed and raped. Cruelty by humans in this century is mind boggling. What actually got them to that point?

The UN Secretary-General H.E. Antonio Gutteres in his message on World Refugee Day 2024, highlighted that more than 120 million people around the world are forcibly displaced, including 43.5 million refugees. These figures reflect our failure to end conflict, war and genocide around the globe.

On 18th June 2024, UN human rights chief, Mr. Volker Turk expressed his concerns on the situation in Maungdaw Township. He highlighted that Rohingya have nowhere to flee and are trapped in western Myanmar. In recent development, the Arakan Army (AA) ordered the Rohingya in Maungdaw Township to evacuate ahead of a planned offensive. This is deeply worrying as they have nowhere to flee. Until now Rohingya in the affected area in Buthidaung and Maungdaw are still under the control of the Arakan Army and do not have food, water, medicine, shelter etc.

Before that on 19th May 2024, Mr. Volker Turk said “I am deeply alarmed by reports of renewed violence and property destruction in Buthidaung township in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state, resulting in the displacement of potentially tens of thousands of civilians, mainly Rohingya”.

The massive destruction caused by the Arakan Army (AA) is beyond imagination. They continued the genocidal attack on the Rohingya that was previously carried out by the Myanmar military. Without access to humanitarian aid, Rohingya will die due to hunger, no treatment and no shelter. How long can they survive? The AA has seized control of 11 of Rakhine State’s 17 townships. We can imagine thousands more Rohingya will be killed and massive destruction following offensive operations for the remaining Townships in the Rakhine State. This needs immediate actions by the United Nations, EU and ASEAN.

The war in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Ukraine, Congo etc. forced millions of civilians to flee their countries while many more were trapped inside the countries. The need for humanitarian aid increases tremendously while the international humanitarian aid has decreased tremendously. We have no other option but to stop conflict, war and genocide.

On this World Refugee Day 2024, Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) call upon United Nations, EU, OIC, ASEAN, World Leaders, Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Community Based Organizations, and the International Community to increase efforts to end conflict, war and genocide and to continue their humanitarian aid to all refugees around the world as well as building our resilient to face various challenges as refugees living in exile while waiting for a durable solution to come.

This year World Refugee Day focuses on solidarity with refugees – for a world where refugees are welcomed. This is our hope but the reality is not always like this. Refugees’ life is full of challenges and hardship wherever we end up.

We urge the United Nations Security Council to send a peace keeping force to save the civilians in the affected areas. The We urge the ASEAN to meet urgently to discuss the situation in Rakhine State and Myanmar and initiate actions to stop the genocide and atrocities in Myanmar. ASEAN needs to address this as people of Myanmar are fleeing to neighboring countries for protection while thousands of Rohingya are trapped in Rakhine State.

Today, we call upon everyone to end hate speech and xenophobia against asylum seekers and refugees as the impacts are severe on us. The increase of hate speech and xenophobia against refugees since Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in refugees receiving threats, physical abuse, harassment, and defamation which put our lives at risk and jeopardized our physical health, mental health, and well-being. This made our lives more difficult and challenging.

Millions of asylum seekers and refugees continuously facing lack of humanitarian aid resulting in hunger and malnutrition especially for babies and children. While other children have access to education and a safe environment, refugee children were denied formal education. We call upon UNICEF and UN Women to address this issue.

We are grateful for the international support and solidarity with refugees but that alone is not enough as we need a permanent solution to our plights. Please help us to find a permanent solution for us to return home safely with dignity and to rebuild out broken lives.

We dream for equal treatment for all refugees around the globe and we hope for a peaceful and safe environment for the vulnerable refugees where our lives and security are ensured. Please help us to end conflict, war and genocide.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Zafar Ahmad Abdul Ghani


Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization in Malaysia (MERHROM)

Tel No: +6016-6827 287



Email: Note: MERHROM is a focal point for Rohingya issues in Malaysia as well as in Arakan State of Myanmar. MERHROM was established in 1998 by its founder Mr. Zafar Ahmad Abdul Ghani. MERHROM’s main works are focusing on advocacy, rights protection, public awareness, community development, health, education, family related issues and issues related to War, Conflict and Genocide. MERHROM has carried out its duty to the maximum level for the past 25 years despite not having funding from any agencies. Despite having very limited resources MERHROM continues to carry out the programs within its capacity endlessly. 

By Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia ( MERHROM) Posted in Uncategorized

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